December’s wintery breath is already clouding the pond, frosting the pane, obscuring summer’s memory…” – John Geddes

“It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready.” ― Sarah Kay

2020/12/01 09:00 Today starts the first month of Winter 2020/2021. I think I am more ready for Winter than I have been in the past while still not being ready for Winter. I have a new resolve to accomplish things. I am determined to finish the construction/ renovation of Khan Tiki Mon's Bar and Lounge. I need to finish the framing, rough in the electric, insulate, hang sheetrock, and paint. All of that can't be done until I finish putting the new ceiling joists in. I need to finish the floor and put a ceiling in. A lot of work lies ahead.

khan tiki mon's rants and rambles v.14.95

This is the latest iteration of my rants, rambles, and ravings. Is anything new? Does any of it matter? I will probably share way too much information. I am maybe as weird as I have ever been. I am sure that I am still incredibly boring. Is there any point to any of this? If you decide to keep reading and you feel later that you wasted your time I don’t think I will be sorry. It was your decision to read on and I do not feel responsible.

Life can be exhausting at times. My life has not gone at all the way I thought it might. Nothing to be done about that. Looking back is not a good idea. Looking forward and making plans that never come to fruition is not a good idea either. Best to live in the present.